His Messengers was formed by the merger of two quartets which found common ground in their music style, their joy of singing, and their desire to share the Gospel through music.
The first quartet began singing almost 35 years ago but, after a few years, disbanded when careers and other interests moved them to other churches, states, and countries. A second quartet was later started by one of the original members and sang together for several years.
Then in 2001, it was discovered that the original members of both Quartets were all in the Phoenix area. In a joint meeting of both quartets, their common purpose was confirmed and “His Messengers” was born.
His Messengers have sung at several churches, campgrounds, resorts, and retirement communities throughout the Greater Phoenix area and also in surrounding areas in Arizona. Although we enjoy singing many of the old Gospel favorites, we also have included a few contemporary songs that have quickly become treasured by young and old alike.